Friday, March 2, 2012

NSW: NSW Health forced to hand over documents on maltreatment

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: NSW Health forced to hand over documents on maltreatment

SYDNEY, Dec 4 AAP - The NSW opposition has succeeded in forcing the health department
to hand over all documents relating to maltreatment at three Sydney hospitals.

A motion carried in the upper house of parliament today demands that NSW Health delivers
all documents relating to a departmental report on Campbelltown and Camden hospitals,
where 17 patient deaths have been questioned.

It also calls for any documents relating to the death of Sarita Yakub, who died in
August last year after failing to receive timely treatment at Nepean Hospital.

The department has until Friday, December 12 to hand over the information.

AAP jh/kbw/apm/br


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