Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Wine, wool exports expected to flourish: Vaile

Fed: Wine, wool exports expected to flourish: Vaile

SYDNEY, Dec 16 AAP - Despite the drought causing a drop in exports for 2002/03 thewine and wool industries were expected to flourish, Trade Minister Mark Vaile said today.

Mr Vaile said statistics released by ABARE today confirmed government expectationsthat exports would drop.

"The drought is going to cause a reduction in the level of our exports for the 02/03year of about three point seven per cent," Mr Vaile told reporters in Sydney today.

But wine and wool exports were expected to rise, he said.

"Wine is going to increase by about 24 per cent and wool is expected to increase byseven per cent," he said.

AAP klw/nf/apm


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