Monday, February 27, 2012

NSW: Shame contributed to gang rapist's suicide in custody

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Shame contributed to gang rapist's suicide in custody

By Kim Arlington

SYDNEY, Aug 8 AAP - A convicted gang rapist who hanged himself in Sydney's Long Bay
Jail was too ashamed to tell his family he was in prison, a coroner said today.

The 26-year-old, whose name is suppressed, was awaiting sentence on nine counts of
aggravated gang rape when he was found dead in his jail cell on April 15, 2004.

The man, who can only be identified as RS, was convicted alongside four brothers of
gang raping two teenage girls in July 2002.

The girls, aged 16 and 17, were repeatedly raped at knifepoint in the brothers' Ashfield
home, in Sydney's inner-west.

Deputy NSW Coroner Dorelle Pinch today found the man had committed suicide in his cell
a week before he was to be sentenced in the Supreme Court.

Ms Pinch said RS had expressed concern about his forthcoming court appearance.

She also said his family in Nepal were unaware that he had been in custody since his
arrest in August 2002.

He even had a friend send them emails in his name, she said.

"It is apparent that (RS) felt ashamed to tell his family of the charges against him
and his incarceration," Ms Pinch told Glebe Coroner's Court.

"He knew he was facing a custodial sentence when he appeared at court on 22 April,
2004 and, therefore, would be unable to maintain his pretence with them that he was doing
well in Australia."

RS's co-offenders were sentenced to maximum jail terms ranging from 10 to 22 years.

RS also was accused of raping a 13-year-old girl at the brothers' Ashfield house two
weeks before the attack on the two teenagers, the NSW Supreme Court was told.

The oldest of the four brothers, known as MSK, last month pleaded guilty to raping
the 13-year-old girl on July 14, 2002.

MSK will be sentenced later this year for the rape, as well as that of a 14-year-old
girl in June 2002.

Ms Pinch said RS did not leave a suicide note but had written a message "revealing his despair".

"Oh God! If there is a god. Save my soul if I have a soul," the message read.

The inquest heard that on the evening of April 14, several prisoners had threatened
to kill RS the next day.

Ms Pinch said the taunts, which appeared to be racially motivated "may also have contributed
to his resolve to end his life".

She made no recommendations in the wake of the death, finding that the prisoner was
classified correctly by the Department of Corrective Services and gave no indication of
his suicidal intentions.

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