Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Rudd announces agreement on landmark health reforms =18

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rudd announces agreement on landmark health reforms =18

Mr Rudd did not believe his reforms, contingent on changing the commonwealth's GST
agreement with the states, would fail because he was yet to get WA on board.

"We're confident, based on our advice, that there is no particular difficulty on that
score," he said.

"But we'll work our way through the detail, as I said, I'm confident we'll find some
landing place with our friends in the west."

As the dominant funder of Australia's public hospitals, Mr Rudd said he would take
responsibility for sub-standard healthcare experiences.

"The buck stops with me," he said.

"On the delivery of the healthcare system, that will lie in the hands very much of
the local hospital networks."

MORE bsb/rl/apm


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