Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Main stories in today's AM program

AAP General News (Australia)
Main stories in today's AM program

SYDNEY, Aug 16 AAP - Main stories in today's AM program:

* Another fight is brewing in the Middle East over who exactly won the war.

* Residents in southern Lebanon making their way home aren't sure what to expect, with
aid agencies facing a massive struggle.

* Prime Minister John Howard's decision to allow a conscience vote on stem cell research
surprises many even within his own party.

* States and territories bypass the federal government and release their plan to tackle
greenhouse gas emissions without harming the economy.

* But the Commonwealth won't join the party, opposing a carbon trading scheme because
it will increase the cost of petrol without lowering gas emissions.

* There are concerns arising over new mortgage-sized fees for medicine courses at some
universities next year.

* A security contractor and former soldier is the seventh Australian to die in Iraq
since the 2003 invasion.

* Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he'll be fighting for his political life in
the September 9 election which he announced yesterday.

AAP cj/sb


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