Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Arnotts Scrooge-like for sacking worker before Xmas:union=2

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Arnotts Scrooge-like for sacking worker before Xmas:union=2

An Arnotts spokeswoman said Mr Eid chose the timing of his sacking due to his actions.

He had received several written and verbal warnings about safety in the past, the spokeswoman

Rather than being a "minor indiscretion", the act in question amounted to gross misconduct
and a breach of company safety policy, which had been in place for years, she said.

"He put his own life at risk and the safety of colleagues which is something we are
never prepared to turn a blind eye to, regardless of the time of year," the spokeswoman

"We have a responsibility to ensure all our employees go home to their families safe
and sound this Christmas."

She said Mr Eid and his team had received a briefing six weeks ago warning that anyone
who breached the safety policy would be fired.

Mr Eid would be paid up until January 1, the spokeswoman said.

AAP nr/was/evt/cdh


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