Sunday, February 26, 2012

LETTERS OF A MONSTER; Caged killer Brady rants to pen pal about Blair, terrorists and TV chefs.(News)


THEY are the crazed rants that give a chilling insight into the workings of Ian Brady's twisted mind.

The Moors Murderer brags of his admiration for terrorists murdering UK troops and civilians, urges Muslims to carry out a major attack in the UK and tells how he hoped the student fees demos would lead to all-out rebellion.

Brady, who killed five children with sick lover Myra Hindley, also tries to claim he led a cultured life before his murder spree and slates ordinary Brits as "grey miserable serfs". And the 73-year-old maniac said Tony Blair should be locked up for war crimes over Iraq.

His hideous tirades came in a string of letters over the past year to a female pen pal sent from Ashworth high security hospital, and obtained by the Mirror. He was moved there in 1985 and has been on hunger strike for 12 years. He starts with praise for the IRA.


IN the notes, containing spelling mistakes, Brady wrote: "Today's Muslim terrorists are the most incompetent and lazy ever known, hardly able to kill a couple of UK troops a week.

"No commitment nowadays.Hopefully the IRA will reactivate and show the way again in the UK. Why do I 'dislike', more despise, the sanctimonious, morally pretentious, US-lickspittle UK military? War criminal Tony Blair is earning pounds 10.4million a year from talking about his war crimes in Iraq, etc, where an estimated 120,000 men, women and children died in the initial illegal invasion/bombing alone.

"Meanwhile, there are people rotting in penal cesspits such as this for thirty or fourty years for stealing a milkfloat, or killing only one or two, without asking permission from the government!

"There's nothing complex about selective homicide, people who refuse to kill for the Government can share the same cell with those who killed without its permission."

Brady is equally scathing of British politicians in general.

He added: "I haven't wasted even a minute listening to the flabby-faced greed/ power-motivated liars fighting for another five years to steal from the public purse and slaughter more people abroad for their natural resources.

"Ordinary 'criminals' are more honest, respectable and certainly less destructive than politicians and bureaucrats or military henchmen. The Government now have so many police collecting stealth tax for fining motorists, or in ramping up false target figures by criminalising the entire underclass with ASBOs, that they have no cops left for tackling real crime.

"I owe the UK nothing now, except disregard and death, rather than breathe its putrid air and hypocrisy."


BRADY wrote: "The serf mentality of the underclass timidly pays crippling taxes in order to balance the 'blitz' of greedy bankers who are as filthy rich as usual, and not even one assassination.

"The modern obsession with food and chefs on TV is obscene. As is the paradoxical obsession with weight. Nothing more comical than some jogging health fanatic to drop dead in action.

"When I see TV programmes advertised about '1/2-ton' human beings who are so fat that they can't get out of bed, I'd solve their 'problem' by dumping them at some garbage disposal site to fend for themselves!

"In bygone days such freaks at least earned a living in circuses or sideshows! Having now been on this force-fed by nasal tube hunger-strike for years (Sept 99) I naturally have contempt for such outside/outsize 'problems'."


BEFORE carrying out his horrific crimes, Scot Brady, caged for life in 1966, lived a quiet, nondescript life in Manchester.

But he reveals how he regularly visited Europe and loved wine. And he still managed at dig at Brits. The killer wrote: "I liked Cypriot reds and German whites. "Also port and sherry. In fact the only drink I didn't like was UK lukewarm beer. I recall returning from my first visit to Europe and noting the grey miserable UK serfs hunched over their half-pints of warm mild and rubbery pork pies."


THE twisted killer's hatred for the Merseyside institution - which he dubs Trashworth and Ashwitz - and staff there is apparent throughout the letters.

He said: "I've never seen the internet here. In prisons they are allowed access to it and to have laptops. But this medically camouflaged prison relies on applied importance to maintain a delusion of superiority by isolating its prisoner 'patients' from the real world.

"After twenty years in max-security prisons, it took another twenty-four years here to eventually take me back to the 1950s by timewarp.

"In another few years they will probably reach the 19th century or pass it."

Brady even complained about the food, despite his hunger strike.

He wrote: "You should see the garbage they present here. My dogs wouldn't eat it but it's good enough for Ashworth staff to steal, they'll eat anything that's free!

"In fact, in almost 50 years of captivity Ashworth food is the worst cooked I've ever experienced. So that's another advantage of being on hunger-strike."

Talking about TV, he added: "I don't watch reality TV, enough freaks here. Just film, documentaries, etc."


BRITAIN'S longest-serving prisoner, did part of his sentence in London's Wormwood Scrubs, where he played chess with fellow inmate Graham Young and ex-government minister John Stonehouse. He wrote: "I did play regularly with the screws, all of whom wished to beat me but never did. One tried over sixty times.

They also searched for prisoners to beat me, finding a former chess champion serving three years for embezzlement in Switzerland. I played well. Always by instinct. Never studied any textbooks and beat many who did. They would be so busy trying to remember textbook knowledge that they failed to spot traps."


HE struck up a friendship with East End gangland thug Ronnie Kray during his time at Durham jail in the 60s. He wrote: "He cooked for his landing and I cooked for mine. He was quiet and polite, except to those who took liberties."


BRADY said he hoped the demos in London last December, would be the beginning of a national uprising.

He wrote: "At least the students have been woken up at last. Perhaps the unions will be next. Then they'll need an army at home instead of for killing Arabs abroad." But in a sly pop at the media coverage, he claimed it was "exclusively concerned that Prince Charles and his whore got some paint on their car on the way to the opera".


BRADY revealed he has already planned his funeral and written his will.

He wrote: "I haven't made any list of those to attend. Only ensured that no-one from Ashworth is allowed to do so - for appearances of overtime."


CAGED Murderer wrote his rants from Ashworth high-security hospital DERANGED Killer Brady is serving life TIRADE Letter praising terrorists. Inset, with Hindley

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