Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Coalition policy will cost enormously less than Labor scheme

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Coalition policy will cost enormously less than Labor scheme

Opposition leader TONY ABBOTT has refused to comment on reports his treasury spokesman
has put a 50 billion dollar price tag on his climate policy.

Mr ABBOTT hasn't denied having a tense discussion with JOE HOCKEY in shadow cabinet
about climate policy during the coalition's recent internal ructions.

He's told ABC radio the cost will depend on what's agreed by the party room .. but
he's confident it'll be a lot less than Labor's 120 billion dollar carbon pollution reduction

He's not too hopeful of a significant agreement at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen

which begins tonight .. saying he doesn't think there are many concrete commitments to

AAP RTV srj/rl/jmt


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