Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Pig safe to eat - farmers

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Pig safe to eat - farmers

MELBOURNE, April 29 AAP - All pork in Australia is safe to eat despite the threat of
swine flu, farmers say.

Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) pig group president Aeger Kingma said the Australian
pork industry had a world's best status for the health of its herd.

Swine flu was a human health issue, not an animal health or food safety issue, Mr Kingma said.

"From the Australian pig herds' perspective, Australia is free of swine flu," Mr Kingma said.

"After consulting with Australian Pork Limited, we can assure consumers that all fresh
pork and processed pork products sold in Australia are safe to eat."

Tough biosecurity procedures are in place to protect the health and wellbeing of animals
and imported pork undergoes rigorous importation protocols.

Australia does not import pig semen or live pigs, which further protects the industry
from the spread of disease.

"Australian consumers can have the upmost confidence in the disease-free status of
Australian pork."

The World Organisation for Animal Health has recommended a more appropriate name for
the virus would be "North American influenza".

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