Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW:Shots fired into Fairfield home

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Shots fired into Fairfield home

SYDNEY, Aug 23 AAP - Three people have escaped injury after shots were fired at a home
in Sydney's west.

Police said bullets hit the garage of the Lachlan Street, Fairfield home as well as
two cars parked outside about 1.40am (AEST) on Tuesday.

The occupants, including two men and a woman, were not injured.

A crime scene has been established and investigations are continuing.

Anyone with information should contact Fairfield Police on 9728 8399, or Crime Stoppers
on 1800 333 000.

AAP psm/rs


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Our job is done in southern Iraq, says Houston

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Our job is done in southern Iraq, says Houston

CANBERRA, Feb 20 AAP - The job of Australian troops in southern Iraq is done and they
can come home mid-year, defence head Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston says.

After that, Australia's major military contribution to the Iraq mission will be two
surveillance aircraft and a warship.

Australia will also retain its 100-member security detachment in Baghdad which guards
Australian diplomats. A number of Australian officers attached to the coalition headquarters
will also remain.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said both Al-Muthanna and Dhi Qar …

FED:Hunger strike continues at Curtin

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Hunger strike continues at Curtin

Detainees are continuing a hunger strike at Western Australia's Curtin Immigration
Detention Centre today .. but the numbers vary from a dozen .. to more than 100.

An immigration spokeswoman says 12 detainees have told staff they're on voluntary starvation
as part of a larger peaceful protest that started on Saturday.

Yesterday about 20 needed treatment after being out in the heat.

IAN RINTOUL of the Refugee Action Coalition says 109 detainees at Curtin are on a full
hunger strike and up to 500 didn't front for breakfast this morning.

He says they're protesting over delays in processing their claims .. and Immigration
Minister CHRIS BOWEN's plans to tighten the immigration character test to deter bad behaviour
won't address the underlying problems of lives being devastated by mandatory detention.

AAP RTV ldj/jmt


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NT:Six detainees hospitalised, 11 arrested

AAP General News (Australia)
NT:Six detainees hospitalised, 11 arrested

Six asylum seekers have been taken to hospital in the past three days as a result of
several scuffles at the Darwin Airport Lodge detention centre.

The Immigration Department says 11 detainees were taken to the Darwin watch house at
about 7.30 this morning (CST) following a disturbance involving about 40 asylum seekers.

Five of the 11 were taken to Royal Darwin Hospital with minor injuries.

Another detainee was taken to hospital yesterday afternoon following a disturbance
involving several detainees at the same centre.

The detainees have reportedly told the NT News they're mentally exhausted after being
locked up for two-years.

The Darwin Airport Lodge is used to house asylum seeker families and unaccompanied minors.

AAP RTV lcs/sw


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

VIC:Boxer on assault charge bailed

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:Boxer on assault charge bailed

MELBOURNE, Aug 27 AAP - An Olympic boxer accused of punching a woman in the head at
a party has been granted bail.

Stephen Sutherland, 20, of Langwarrin, who represented Australia at the 2008 Beijing
Olympics, is charged with punching a woman who allegedly asked him to leave her daughter's
16th birthday party in suburban Melbourne on June 25.

He allegedly kicked and broke a window at the South Frankston house, then hit the woman
in the head.

Sutherland has been in custody since July 2 and made an unsuccessful bail application
in a magistrate's court.

On Friday, he applied for bail in the Victorian Supreme Court, with his father Greg
Sutherland telling the court his son would live at home and practise his boxing at a suburban

Justice Elizabeth Curtain granted bail, saying it was not appropriate that he continue
to be detained in an adult custodial facility.

Sutherland was bailed on strict conditions including that he live with his father,
abstain from alcohol and report to police twice weekly.

He was bailed to appear in Frankston Magistrates Court on October 29.

AAP df/pmu/was/it/cdh


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Rudd announces agreement on landmark health reforms =18

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rudd announces agreement on landmark health reforms =18

Mr Rudd did not believe his reforms, contingent on changing the commonwealth's GST
agreement with the states, would fail because he was yet to get WA on board.

"We're confident, based on our advice, that there is no particular difficulty on that
score," he said.

"But we'll work our way through the detail, as I said, I'm confident we'll find some
landing place with our friends in the west."

As the dominant funder of Australia's public hospitals, Mr Rudd said he would take
responsibility for sub-standard healthcare experiences.

"The buck stops with me," he said.

"On the delivery of the healthcare system, that will lie in the hands very much of
the local hospital networks."

MORE bsb/rl/apm


2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Coalition policy will cost enormously less than Labor scheme

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Coalition policy will cost enormously less than Labor scheme

Opposition leader TONY ABBOTT has refused to comment on reports his treasury spokesman
has put a 50 billion dollar price tag on his climate policy.

Mr ABBOTT hasn't denied having a tense discussion with JOE HOCKEY in shadow cabinet
about climate policy during the coalition's recent internal ructions.

He's told ABC radio the cost will depend on what's agreed by the party room .. but
he's confident it'll be a lot less than Labor's 120 billion dollar carbon pollution reduction

He's not too hopeful of a significant agreement at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen

which begins tonight .. saying he doesn't think there are many concrete commitments to

AAP RTV srj/rl/jmt


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Pig safe to eat - farmers

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Pig safe to eat - farmers

MELBOURNE, April 29 AAP - All pork in Australia is safe to eat despite the threat of
swine flu, farmers say.

Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) pig group president Aeger Kingma said the Australian
pork industry had a world's best status for the health of its herd.

Swine flu was a human health issue, not an animal health or food safety issue, Mr Kingma said.

"From the Australian pig herds' perspective, Australia is free of swine flu," Mr Kingma said.

"After consulting with Australian Pork Limited, we can assure consumers that all fresh
pork and processed pork products sold in Australia are safe to eat."

Tough biosecurity procedures are in place to protect the health and wellbeing of animals
and imported pork undergoes rigorous importation protocols.

Australia does not import pig semen or live pigs, which further protects the industry
from the spread of disease.

"Australian consumers can have the upmost confidence in the disease-free status of
Australian pork."

The World Organisation for Animal Health has recommended a more appropriate name for
the virus would be "North American influenza".

AAP kb/gfr/jl


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.


AAP General News (Australia)
Good evening Picture Editors, News Editors and Chiefs of Staff,

The following is a list of news assignments AAP will consider for picture coverage tomorrow.

The full-day list is
preliminary and subject to change. However, to assist in your planning, we have firmed
most jobs before midday.

These are marked 'Assigned'.

A fresh advisory will be issued at 9.00am in case breaking news overnight takes priority
and changes the schedule.

A full day planner will be issued at 11.30am.

As always, your feedback is welcome. Please contact the Picture Desk on 02 9322 8707 for
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Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at Christmas church services - Assigned
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2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

VIC: Main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, Aug 18 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers:


Page 1: Australia's superstar women's relay team of Libby Trickett, Jess Schipper,
Leisel Jones and Emily Seebohm capped off a day of heroics and heartbreak at the Beijing
Olympics yesterday.

Page 3: Grant Hackett put his family and the nation through the wringer yesterday -
but they all came out the other side full of admiration.

Page 5: Girl power has given Australia its best medal hall in the Olympic pool - all
six of Australia's gold medals in Beijing won by women.

World: The Australian drag racer who was behind the wheel of an out-of-control Corvette
that killed six people in the US has tearfully asked for forgiveness after yesterday saying
he was "deeply sorry" for the horror crash. Zimbabwe's opposition chief wants to be a
powerful prime minister but would leave the presidency - and control of the military -
to Robert Mugabe to end his country's political crisis.

Sport: North Melbourne AFL coach Dean Laidley says his side is perfectly placed for
a pre-finals test against Geelong, after the Kangaroos yesterday sealed a September berth
and climbed into the top four.

MORE jrd/apm


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED: Qantas will not bow to pressure to limit bag weights

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Qantas will not bow to pressure to limit bag weights

Qantas says it won't bow to pressure from baggage handlers to lower the maximum weight
of bags from 32kg to 20kg.

Baggage handlers have been waiting to hear from management .. before deciding whether
to take industrial action to implement a union ban on the weight limit.

That's after workers voted yesterday to impose the bans on all flights.

But Qantas says it complies with all industry standards of baggage handling .. and
won't reduce bag allowances.

AAP RTV kaj/wjf/jec/crh


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED: Rudd cracking down on ministerial misdemeanours

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Rudd cracking down on ministerial misdemeanours

CANBERRA, Dec 7 AAP - Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is vowing to crack down on bad behaviour
by his ministers, releasing a code of conduct that tightens accountability.

Mr Rudd was a strong critic of his predecessor, John Howard, for failing to hold his
ministers to the standards laid out in the previous government's code of conduct.

Mr Rudd's new guidelines look set to curb influence-peddling by political lobbyists
and restrict ministers' share ownership and their employment after leaving politics.

The new code of conduct was released after the Labor government's first cabinet meeting
in Brisbane yesterday.

It places a 12-month ban on departing ministers having business dealings with MPs,
public servants or defence personnel on any matter they dealt with in their official capacity
during their last 18 months in office.

Ministers will be banned from owning shares unless they are held in superannuation
funds, publicly listed funds or in a trust where the minister has no influence over investment

And Mr Rudd will set up a register of lobbyists, as exists already in Canada.

This will require lobbyists to put their names on a public register before seeking
private meetings with ministers or parliamentary secretaries.

But Mr Rudd said the lobbyists would not need to disclose which minister they were
meeting, merely the fact that they were seeking access and which organisation they represented.

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the government was serious about enforcing standards.

She told ABC television last night Mr Rudd meant business and intended to hold his
team to account if they breached the rules.

Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop said she supported Mr Rudd's ministerial code of
conduct, but wouldn't say if the coalition would adopt the same standards if it regained

"Mr Rudd has set the bar very high and we'll certainly be holding his ministry to account,"

she told ABC television.

"Let's see how the government performs according to this code of conduct."

She also backed the proposed register of lobbyists, provided it did not interfere with
lobbyists' commercial activities, and said reforms related to the independence of the
Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) simply formalised the process that already existed.

AAP dcr/srp/cdh


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

AAP National News Wire Round-Up for Midday, April 24

AAP General News (Australia)
AAP National News Wire Round-Up for Midday, April 24

Iraq Aust (CANBERRA)

Two Australian soldiers have been injured by a roadside bomb while on patrol in southern Iraq.

But Defence says their injuries aren't believed to be life-threatening.

Two Australian light armoured vehicles were patrolling DHI QAR province .. north of
AN NASARIYAH .. about 6.30 last night local time .. when a home-made bomb was detonated.

The injured soldiers were in the first vehicle .. which was seriously damaged in the
blast and destroyed by a subsequent fire.

Defence says one soldier has lower leg injuries .. and the other less serious wounds.

Meanwhile .. the Prime Minister says one reason he won't withdraw Australian troops
from Iraq .. is because it would humiliate the United States.

JOHN HOWARD says it would be a colossal blow to American prestige around the world
.. if the coalition pulled out of Iraq and appeared to have lost the war.

He's told ABC radio America's power and support is important for Australian security
.. and he won't support a policy that weakens it.

Iraq Blast (BAGHDAD)

Nine US soldiers have been killed and 20 wounded .. in a suicide car bombing at a US
base north-east of Baghdad.

The attack's occurred in Diyala province .. a volatile area that's been the site of
fierce fighting between US and Iraqi troops .. Sunni insurgents .. and Shi'ite militias.

Russia Yeltsin Howard (BRISBANE)

JOHN HOWARD says BORIS YELTSIN will be remembered for his contribution to democracy in Russia.

The former Russian president died overnight .. aged 76.

Mr HOWARD says the momentous occasion .. when Mr YELTSIN stood on a tank outside the
Russian parliament and held back the counter-revolution by the former Soviet regime's
old guard .. was an extraordinary event.

He's told ABC radio Mr YELTSIN has a place in history .. even though he later lost
a lot of credibility on economic issues.


Australians heading for Gallipoli to mark Anzac Day .. are being warned there's a high
threat of a terrorist attack in Turkey.

Veterans Affairs Minister BRUCE BILLSON says the Gallipoli peninsula isn't considered
to be more of a target than any other area in the country .. and first class security
arrangements are in place.

But he's told the Nine Network visitors should exercise a high level of caution ..

and those considering travelling to the border with Syria .. should think again.

Veterans Howard (CANBERRA)

The Prime Minister's hinted war veterans could be in line for extra government assistance
.. just a fortnight out from the federal budget.

The suggestion's arisen during a talkback session on ABC radio .. when a caller criticised
the failure of veterans' benefits to keep pace with the cost of living.

But Mr HOWARD refused to elaborate .. when pressed by the radio host.

Workplace Howard (BRISBANE)

The Prime Minister says employers can't use the Work Choices phrase .. operational
reasons .. to sack a worker and re-advertise their job at a lower salary.

His comment follows a landmark ruling in the Industrial Relations Commission .. that
Work Choices gives companies broader grounds to sack workers .. under the guise of operational

The commission found .. no valid reason for a sacking need be considered .. when the
phrase "for operational reason" is used.

Climate Milne (CANBERRA)

The Australian Greens want greenhouse gas emissions cut by 80 per cent by 2050 .. but
say they haven't calculated the cost.

Greens Senator CHRISTINE MILNE says the boom in California at the moment .. as well
as the energy revolution in Germany and Japan .. show moving out of old electricity generation
into solar and renewables .. creates jobs and huge amounts of investment.

She's told ABC TV the Greens haven't done economic modelling for their plan .. saying
that's the job of government.

Climate US Crow (NEW YORK)

Singer/songwriter SHERYL CROW is suggesting a cheeky solution to wipe away global warming
.. save trees by limiting each trip to the loo to one piece of toilet paper.

According to a statement on her website .. CROW says people are industrious enough
to make it work with only one square per restroom visit .. except on those pesky occasions
where two to three could be required.

Briefly in other news ..

The fire danger season for Adelaide's Mount Lofty Ranges has been extended until the
end of next month .. because of the drought.

Leaked minutes of a meeting .. reveal maritime authorities had agreed to ban private
boats from around the Sydney Harbour Bridge .. before the ferry disaster that claimed
four lives on March 28 when a 10-metre cruiser and a Sydney Ferries HarbourCat collided
under the bridge.

The Vatican's second-highest ranking doctrinal official has forcefully branded homosexual
marriage an evil .. and denounced abortion and euthanasia as forms of terrorism with a
human face.

Veterans Affairs Minister BRUCE BILLSON says pubs and clubs that ban the traditional
Anzac Day game of two-up .. are admitting they can't manage their own patrons.

In Finance ..

At 1104 AEST .. the benchmark S&P/ASX 200 index was DOWN 21.9 points to 6,187.3 .. and
the all ordinaries index was DOWN 19.1 points to 6,173.1.

The Australian dollar was trading at 83.27 US cents .. DOWN from 83.45 US cents at
Monday's close.

It was at 61.36 euro cents .. DOWN from 61.44 cents on Monday.

In Sydney .. gold bullion was trading at $US688.50 per fine ounce .. DOWN $US2.35 from
$US690.85 at the local close on Monday.

in Sport ..

WC07 Woolmer (SAN JUAN)

The body of slain Pakistan cricket coach BOB WOOLMER has been released by a coroner
and will be returned to his native South Africa.

Deputy Police Commissioner MARK SHIELDS .. who has been leading the homicide investigation
.. is working with a funeral home to repatriate the body as soon as possible.

A coroner's inquest scheduled to begin today has been postponed indefinitely because
of undisclosed developments in the case.

AFL Eagles Cousins (MELBOURNE)

Former West Coast captain BEN COUSINS could fly home to Perth as soon as this weekend
.. ending his drug rehabilitation program in California.

COUSINS headed to the US for treatment last month .. after being suspended indefinitely
by the club for failing to meet training requirements.


Collingwood's SCOTT PENDLEBURY has been rewarded for an impressive display in last
Saturday's clash with Port Adelaide .. by earning the round-four nomination for the AFL
Rising Star Award.

PENDLEBURY kicked two goals .. gathered 20 disposals and laid five tackles in wet conditions
at the MCG .. in the match which the Power won by 18 points.

League Warriors (WELLINGTON)

Utility back MICHAEL WITT has signed a contract extension to stay with the New Zealand
Warriors until the end of the 2009 NRL season.

The former Parramatta and Manly halfback joined the Auckland-based club this year on
a one-year deal and has appeared in all five games to date.


Broadcast Desk inquiries 24 hours: 02 9322 8714

AAP RTV af/bart


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Arnotts Scrooge-like for sacking worker before Xmas:union=2

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Arnotts Scrooge-like for sacking worker before Xmas:union=2

An Arnotts spokeswoman said Mr Eid chose the timing of his sacking due to his actions.

He had received several written and verbal warnings about safety in the past, the spokeswoman

Rather than being a "minor indiscretion", the act in question amounted to gross misconduct
and a breach of company safety policy, which had been in place for years, she said.

"He put his own life at risk and the safety of colleagues which is something we are
never prepared to turn a blind eye to, regardless of the time of year," the spokeswoman

"We have a responsibility to ensure all our employees go home to their families safe
and sound this Christmas."

She said Mr Eid and his team had received a briefing six weeks ago warning that anyone
who breached the safety policy would be fired.

Mr Eid would be paid up until January 1, the spokeswoman said.

AAP nr/was/evt/cdh


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Main stories in today's AM program

AAP General News (Australia)
Main stories in today's AM program

SYDNEY, Aug 16 AAP - Main stories in today's AM program:

* Another fight is brewing in the Middle East over who exactly won the war.

* Residents in southern Lebanon making their way home aren't sure what to expect, with
aid agencies facing a massive struggle.

* Prime Minister John Howard's decision to allow a conscience vote on stem cell research
surprises many even within his own party.

* States and territories bypass the federal government and release their plan to tackle
greenhouse gas emissions without harming the economy.

* But the Commonwealth won't join the party, opposing a carbon trading scheme because
it will increase the cost of petrol without lowering gas emissions.

* There are concerns arising over new mortgage-sized fees for medicine courses at some
universities next year.

* A security contractor and former soldier is the seventh Australian to die in Iraq
since the 2003 invasion.

* Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he'll be fighting for his political life in
the September 9 election which he announced yesterday.

AAP cj/sb


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Main stories in today's Sydney newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Main stories in today's Sydney newspapers

SYDNEY, April 10 AAP - The main stories in today's Sydney newspapers:


Page 1: Victims of crime hounded to hand back $1.2 million in compensation payouts
while criminals fail to pay $234 million in restitution.

Page 2: United Nations official slams federal government's handling of AWB oil-for-food scandal.

Page 3: Court orders man who allegedly tried to do restaurant runner from eating out.

World: Death toll from second killer tornado to hit Tennessee in a week climbs to at least 12.

Finance: More positive economic indicators expected to push Australian share market
to record highs again this week.

Sport: Penrith captain Craig Gower rushed to hospital after coughing up blood at Sunday's
clash with Parramatta.

MORE ajc/rj


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

NSW: Shame contributed to gang rapist's suicide in custody

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Shame contributed to gang rapist's suicide in custody

By Kim Arlington

SYDNEY, Aug 8 AAP - A convicted gang rapist who hanged himself in Sydney's Long Bay
Jail was too ashamed to tell his family he was in prison, a coroner said today.

The 26-year-old, whose name is suppressed, was awaiting sentence on nine counts of
aggravated gang rape when he was found dead in his jail cell on April 15, 2004.

The man, who can only be identified as RS, was convicted alongside four brothers of
gang raping two teenage girls in July 2002.

The girls, aged 16 and 17, were repeatedly raped at knifepoint in the brothers' Ashfield
home, in Sydney's inner-west.

Deputy NSW Coroner Dorelle Pinch today found the man had committed suicide in his cell
a week before he was to be sentenced in the Supreme Court.

Ms Pinch said RS had expressed concern about his forthcoming court appearance.

She also said his family in Nepal were unaware that he had been in custody since his
arrest in August 2002.

He even had a friend send them emails in his name, she said.

"It is apparent that (RS) felt ashamed to tell his family of the charges against him
and his incarceration," Ms Pinch told Glebe Coroner's Court.

"He knew he was facing a custodial sentence when he appeared at court on 22 April,
2004 and, therefore, would be unable to maintain his pretence with them that he was doing
well in Australia."

RS's co-offenders were sentenced to maximum jail terms ranging from 10 to 22 years.

RS also was accused of raping a 13-year-old girl at the brothers' Ashfield house two
weeks before the attack on the two teenagers, the NSW Supreme Court was told.

The oldest of the four brothers, known as MSK, last month pleaded guilty to raping
the 13-year-old girl on July 14, 2002.

MSK will be sentenced later this year for the rape, as well as that of a 14-year-old
girl in June 2002.

Ms Pinch said RS did not leave a suicide note but had written a message "revealing his despair".

"Oh God! If there is a god. Save my soul if I have a soul," the message read.

The inquest heard that on the evening of April 14, several prisoners had threatened
to kill RS the next day.

Ms Pinch said the taunts, which appeared to be racially motivated "may also have contributed
to his resolve to end his life".

She made no recommendations in the wake of the death, finding that the prisoner was
classified correctly by the Department of Corrective Services and gave no indication of
his suicidal intentions.

AAP ka/nf/jo/de


2005 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

sliding peg

sliding peg See crawling peg.

Modem Media Announces Leave of Absence for Robert Allen, President and Chief Operating Officer.

NORWALK, Conn., May 31 /PRNewswire/ --

Modem Media (Nasdaq: MMPT), a leading Internet professional services firm, today announced that Robert Allen, the Company's President and Chief Operating Officer, will take a leave of absence for personal reasons, effective June 8, 2001, and for an undisclosed period of time. He will continue to serve as a member of the Company's Board of Directors.

"We know this was a very important decision for Bob to make and we will fully support him during his absence," said G.M. O'Connell, Chairman. "Over the past twelve years, Bob has played a pivotal role at Modem Media. We look forward to his return in the near future to help us drive to new levels of growth and success."

During Mr. Allen's absence, management of his responsibilities will be shared by various individuals within the organization.

"We are fortunate to have significant management depth within Modem Media to oversee Bob's areas of responsibility during his absence and to continue our focus on delivering unparalleled value and service to our clients," said Marc Particelli, Chief Executive Officer.

About Modem Media

Founded in 1987, Modem Media ( is a leading Internet professional services firm focused on solving marketing and customer management problems facing global companies most impacted by digital change. By combining technology-driven solutions with a deep understanding of customer needs, Modem Media creates more rewarding solutions for clients and their customers. Headquartered in Norwalk, CT, with offices in New York City, San Francisco, Toronto, London, Paris, Munich, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo, Modem Media leverages its deep experience in marketing and business strategy, creative design, and technology to deliver integrated service offerings on a global basis. Modem Media has created customer-focused Internet solutions for global brands such as Citibank, Delta Air Lines, Friends Provident, General Electric, General Motors, IBM, JCPenney, Kraft, Michelin and Philips.


RADVISION: RADVision and Zydacron unite technology to offer superior IP/ISDN conferencing solutions.

M2 PRESSWIRE-16 June 1999-RADVISION: RADVision and Zydacron unite best-of-breed technology to offer superior IP/ISDN conferencing solutions (C)1994-99 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD


* Zydacron is Integrating RADVision's H.323 Technology Into Its Next-Generation Videoconferencing Products

London, UK -- RADVision, the worldwide market leader in building blocks for IP Telephony and multimedia conferencing, today announced their strategic partnership with Zydacron, the leader in high quality videoconferencing technology, to offer more advanced and robust IP and ISDN multimedia conferencing solutions.

Zydacron will integrate RADVision's award winning L2W-323 Gateway and the MCU-323 Multipoint Conferencing Unit with the RADVision embedded GK-323 Gatekeeper into Zydacron's H.323-compliant comCenter. The comCenter, Zydacron's new corporate communications centre, complements the company's award winning OnWAN family of products for the desktop, consisting of the OnWAN340 for Windows/NT and the OnWAN350 for Windows/NT and 98.

Through this OEM relationship, Zydacron intends to offer a complete IP and ISDN-based multimedia solution for the enterprise market, selling these products under the Zydacron label. The significant price/performance edge, the complete integration of robust communications tools and Zydacron's thorough technical and industry expertise position the offering as the standard in remote group communications within companies, educational institutions, and government agencies.

"We have been affiliated with RADVision since its beginning," stated Ken Garofano, Zydacron's President and COO. "The two companies pioneered videoconferencing over the LAN. Our joint development has created the Teldat 2500, a Deutsche Telecom system, and many other pioneering offerings. With so much history between the two companies, this current relationship is a natural," says Ken Garofano.

RADVision's new President, Gene Wolf, added, "This relationship enables Zydacron to expand from an end-point provider to a complete network system provider. Given their established reputation as one of the quality leaders in video codecs, we are thrilled to have Zydacron as a partner to deliver high quality total solutions that marry our Gateway, MCU and Gatekeeper with their next generation videoconferencing end-points."

About RADVision

RADVision is the recognised technology leader in industry-standard "building blocks" for voice, video, and data convergence. Since its inception in 1993, RADVision has been driving the standards for interoperable Voice-over-IP and multimedia conferencing solutions. RADVision provides H.323 Toolkits and IP-based internetworking gateways and multipoint conferencing bridges. The company's award-winning products interoperate over packet-based Internet and circuit-switched telephone networks.

RADVision has a long-standing history of being first-to-market with superior technology that has won several "Product of the Year" awards. The company is an active participant of the ITU-T Experts Group and the IMTC and plays a key role in the formulation of the IP-based communications standard. More information about RADVision is available on the Internet at

About Zydacron

Privately owned Zydacron, based in Manchester, NH, designs and manufactures high quality videoconferencing technology. The company develops a range of standards-based, PC-compatible videoconferencing products for worldwide distribution. Headed by comCenter, the complete communications center, the Zydacron product line consists of packaged products and award-winning video codecs for use in desktop, roll-about, group/room systems and kiosks, communication boards, and application software. The company has over 100 distribution and technology partners with customers all over the world. For additional information or to see if you qualify to be a Zydacron Quality Partner, call 603-647-1000, send email to or visit

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Congressman Darrell Issa to Keynote at Predictive Analytics World for Government Speakers Share Hands-on Predictive Analytics Tips to Reduce Fraud and Waste-Sept 12-13.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) July 27, 2011

Front-line practitioners and government executives, now including Congressman Darrell Issa, with his keynote: "Fighting Waste, Fraud and Abuse with DATA", will share their experiences and advice at Predictive Analytics World for Government (PAW-GOV), allowing attendees to extract actionable insights from their vast quantities of data. Predictive analytics, when used correctly, can reduce fraud, waste, and abuse, automate manual processes and maximize productivity of agency personnel.

Congressman Issa, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and a long-time advocate for open government, introduced the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, or DATA Act, which established an independent body to track federal spending, including grants, contracts, loans and agencies' internal expenses, on a single electronic platform, using consistent reporting standards and data identifiers, and making all of the information available to the public.

"I'm proud to welcome Congressman Darrell Issa to the lineup of phenomenal speakers at PAW-GOV," says John Elder, CEO of Elder Research. "This first predictive analytics conference focused on the government offers agencies and departments, at all government levels, an insider's view to help them capitalize on all predictive analytics has to offer and drive smarter decisions from their data."

In addition to Congressman Issa, Predictive Analytics World for Government offers a powerful line-up of top government experts including a keynote address from Earl Devaney, Chairman, Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, as well as a special session, "Pursuit Through Cyberspace -- Predictive Analytics", from David Williams, Inspector General, USPS OIG.

PAW-GOV's inaugural program features case studies so you can witness how predictive analytics is applied by: Department of Justice (DOJ), IRS, USDA Risk Management Agency (USDA RMA), USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS), USPS Office of Inspector General (USPS OIG), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Defense (DOD), National Security Agency (NSA), NASA, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Mexico Tax Administration Service, New South Wales Department of Transportation.

And agenda topics cover fraud detection, improper payment detection, workforce analytics, law enforcement / crime prevention, claims processing, threat detection / homeland security, cyber security, food safety, grants management, hotspot detection, optimization of facilities, text mining, link analysis, supervised/unsupervised predictive modeling, crowdsourcing, ensemble models, and other innovative applications that benefit government organizations in new and creative ways.

PAW-GOV is the first vendor-neutral predictive analytics conference for the government, designed to help agency managers understand how they can apply predictive analytics to more effectively and efficiently accomplish their mission.

Predictive Analytics World for Government is supported by Premier Sponsors: Deloitte, IBM, SAS, StatSoft and leading organizations such as Salford Systems, International Institute for Analytics (IIA) and The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

PAW-GOV is a must for government executives, program managers, financial and HR managers, CIOs and CTOs, law enforcement, and analytics professionals. Register by August 12th and realize $100 in savings.

About Elder Research, Inc.

Elder Research Inc. (ERI) is a leading consulting company in data mining, predictive analytics, text mining and optimization. Since its founding in 1995, ERI has helped leading government agencies and Fortune Global 500(R) companies solve real-world problems and take advantage of new business opportunities. Drawing from theory and experience in diverse professional fields and multiple industries, ERI brings cutting-edge research into front-line practice to achieve return on investment for its clients. Elder Research, Inc., headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia and has a growing office in Washington, DC, is leading the conference program for Predictive Analytics World for Government.

About Rising Media

Rising Media is a global events producer excelling in Internet and technology-related conferences and exhibitions. Rising Media produced events include Data Driven Business Week, eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, Conversion Conference, GAUGE, Search Marketing Expo, Predictive Analytics World, Text Analytics World, Internet Marketing Conference, Social Media Economy Days, Web Effectiveness Conference and Building Business Capability in the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Australia.

Rising Media events provide cutting-edge, practical knowledge for business professionals to improve their day-to-day effectiveness, driving higher returns for their organizations. Attendees learn from leading experts and share knowledge with each other, as well as interacting with innovative vendors in the space. Each event brings together the best, the brightest and the visionary, creating a forum for insight, energetic exchange and informed purchasing.

See for more information.


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Internet Marketing and SEO Training Class Announced in California.

Livermore, CA (PRWEB) June 09, 2011

The Bay Area Search Engine Academy, a California training academy that teaches internet marketing and search engine optimization training classes in the San Francisco Bay Area, has opened registration for their next hands-on workshop. The class will be held during the week of June 20, 2011 at the RT Fisher Educational Enterprises, Inc. facility near Jack London Square in Oakland, California.

Thomas Petty, President of the Bay Area Search Engine Academy, said, "The search engines change their rules all the time. We're constantly updating the material for our classes so students can learn the latest techniques for getting their websites onto the search engines."

The workshop is a hands-on class where students are encouraged to bring a wireless-enabled laptop to work on their own websites in the classroom. Because the classes are kept very small, each student gets individual attention from the instructors.

Petty said, "These aren't large seminar type events. We want each person to get plenty of time to get their specific questions answered and problems addressed."

The workshops are designed for business owners and entrepreneurs who have only the basic understanding of the web. The Master-level workshop is five days long, and includes search engine optimization, paid placement strategies, social media and blogging techniques. Students who sign up for the Master workshop also receive six months of mentoring from Petty after the course has finished.

"Whenever you walk away from a class, there are always questions when you start to implement what you learned. We cover that with a further six months of personal mentoring to make sure the SEO knowledge sticks," Petty said.

The Bay Area Search Engine Academy also offers employees of companies seeking training credit with college-level continuing education units (CEUs), but they must be requested ahead of time.

Those wishing to register for the workshop should do so through the company website at or contact them toll-free at 888-807-5658.


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LETTERS OF A MONSTER; Caged killer Brady rants to pen pal about Blair, terrorists and TV chefs.(News)


THEY are the crazed rants that give a chilling insight into the workings of Ian Brady's twisted mind.

The Moors Murderer brags of his admiration for terrorists murdering UK troops and civilians, urges Muslims to carry out a major attack in the UK and tells how he hoped the student fees demos would lead to all-out rebellion.

Brady, who killed five children with sick lover Myra Hindley, also tries to claim he led a cultured life before his murder spree and slates ordinary Brits as "grey miserable serfs". And the 73-year-old maniac said Tony Blair should be locked up for war crimes over Iraq.

His hideous tirades came in a string of letters over the past year to a female pen pal sent from Ashworth high security hospital, and obtained by the Mirror. He was moved there in 1985 and has been on hunger strike for 12 years. He starts with praise for the IRA.


IN the notes, containing spelling mistakes, Brady wrote: "Today's Muslim terrorists are the most incompetent and lazy ever known, hardly able to kill a couple of UK troops a week.

"No commitment nowadays.Hopefully the IRA will reactivate and show the way again in the UK. Why do I 'dislike', more despise, the sanctimonious, morally pretentious, US-lickspittle UK military? War criminal Tony Blair is earning pounds 10.4million a year from talking about his war crimes in Iraq, etc, where an estimated 120,000 men, women and children died in the initial illegal invasion/bombing alone.

"Meanwhile, there are people rotting in penal cesspits such as this for thirty or fourty years for stealing a milkfloat, or killing only one or two, without asking permission from the government!

"There's nothing complex about selective homicide, people who refuse to kill for the Government can share the same cell with those who killed without its permission."

Brady is equally scathing of British politicians in general.

He added: "I haven't wasted even a minute listening to the flabby-faced greed/ power-motivated liars fighting for another five years to steal from the public purse and slaughter more people abroad for their natural resources.

"Ordinary 'criminals' are more honest, respectable and certainly less destructive than politicians and bureaucrats or military henchmen. The Government now have so many police collecting stealth tax for fining motorists, or in ramping up false target figures by criminalising the entire underclass with ASBOs, that they have no cops left for tackling real crime.

"I owe the UK nothing now, except disregard and death, rather than breathe its putrid air and hypocrisy."


BRADY wrote: "The serf mentality of the underclass timidly pays crippling taxes in order to balance the 'blitz' of greedy bankers who are as filthy rich as usual, and not even one assassination.

"The modern obsession with food and chefs on TV is obscene. As is the paradoxical obsession with weight. Nothing more comical than some jogging health fanatic to drop dead in action.

"When I see TV programmes advertised about '1/2-ton' human beings who are so fat that they can't get out of bed, I'd solve their 'problem' by dumping them at some garbage disposal site to fend for themselves!

"In bygone days such freaks at least earned a living in circuses or sideshows! Having now been on this force-fed by nasal tube hunger-strike for years (Sept 99) I naturally have contempt for such outside/outsize 'problems'."


BEFORE carrying out his horrific crimes, Scot Brady, caged for life in 1966, lived a quiet, nondescript life in Manchester.

But he reveals how he regularly visited Europe and loved wine. And he still managed at dig at Brits. The killer wrote: "I liked Cypriot reds and German whites. "Also port and sherry. In fact the only drink I didn't like was UK lukewarm beer. I recall returning from my first visit to Europe and noting the grey miserable UK serfs hunched over their half-pints of warm mild and rubbery pork pies."


THE twisted killer's hatred for the Merseyside institution - which he dubs Trashworth and Ashwitz - and staff there is apparent throughout the letters.

He said: "I've never seen the internet here. In prisons they are allowed access to it and to have laptops. But this medically camouflaged prison relies on applied importance to maintain a delusion of superiority by isolating its prisoner 'patients' from the real world.

"After twenty years in max-security prisons, it took another twenty-four years here to eventually take me back to the 1950s by timewarp.

"In another few years they will probably reach the 19th century or pass it."

Brady even complained about the food, despite his hunger strike.

He wrote: "You should see the garbage they present here. My dogs wouldn't eat it but it's good enough for Ashworth staff to steal, they'll eat anything that's free!

"In fact, in almost 50 years of captivity Ashworth food is the worst cooked I've ever experienced. So that's another advantage of being on hunger-strike."

Talking about TV, he added: "I don't watch reality TV, enough freaks here. Just film, documentaries, etc."


BRITAIN'S longest-serving prisoner, did part of his sentence in London's Wormwood Scrubs, where he played chess with fellow inmate Graham Young and ex-government minister John Stonehouse. He wrote: "I did play regularly with the screws, all of whom wished to beat me but never did. One tried over sixty times.

They also searched for prisoners to beat me, finding a former chess champion serving three years for embezzlement in Switzerland. I played well. Always by instinct. Never studied any textbooks and beat many who did. They would be so busy trying to remember textbook knowledge that they failed to spot traps."


HE struck up a friendship with East End gangland thug Ronnie Kray during his time at Durham jail in the 60s. He wrote: "He cooked for his landing and I cooked for mine. He was quiet and polite, except to those who took liberties."


BRADY said he hoped the demos in London last December, would be the beginning of a national uprising.

He wrote: "At least the students have been woken up at last. Perhaps the unions will be next. Then they'll need an army at home instead of for killing Arabs abroad." But in a sly pop at the media coverage, he claimed it was "exclusively concerned that Prince Charles and his whore got some paint on their car on the way to the opera".


BRADY revealed he has already planned his funeral and written his will.

He wrote: "I haven't made any list of those to attend. Only ensured that no-one from Ashworth is allowed to do so - for appearances of overtime."


CAGED Murderer wrote his rants from Ashworth high-security hospital DERANGED Killer Brady is serving life TIRADE Letter praising terrorists. Inset, with Hindley

DemandQuest to Offer Free Marketing Classes During National Small Business Week.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) May 05, 2011

DemandQuest provides an alternative to small businesses who are struggling to attract new customers, yet don't have the resources or desire to hire a traditional marketing agency. A hybrid training institute and consultancy, DemandQuest is positioned to provide the unbiased education and advice that will enable businesses to make more informed decisions with less trial and error, take on more of the core marketing functions themselves, and ultimately develop a continual stream of new customer inquiries that result in more business revenue.

Free Small Business Week Seminars Include:

Low Cost / No Cost Methods to Create an Effective Web Presence for Small Business will be offered each day with morning sessions on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and evening sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.

Internet Advertising Essentials for Small Business will be offered on Monday May 16th from 1-4pm.

Social Media Essentials for Small Business will be offered on Wednesday May 18h from 1-4pm.

Small business owners and operators who are new to marketing will benefit from such courses as Web Marketing Essentials, Introduction to Marketing Process, Introduction to Social Media Marketing, Low Cost/No Cost Essentials for Small Business, and What's Your Plan? -- a workshop where businesses assess their marketing needs, then develop a marketing plan, budget and schedule.

Experienced marketers who wish to expand their knowledge and skill base will benefit from advanced courses in Inbound Marketing, Analytics and Conversion, Internet Advertising, Lead Nurturing and Marketing Automation. Industry specific training will also be available in the areas of real estate, insurance, legal professions, medical and non-profits.

More information can be found at:

Weekly open houses and networking events will be held weekly, beginning May 20th. You can learn more by visiting or calling 612-460-8770.

# # #

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Left Behind Games Announces Game Giveaway Downloads for Current and Prospective Investors.

LOS ANGELES -- Left Behind Games Inc. (OTCQB: LFBG), the world's largest and only publicly-traded publisher of Christian video games, announced today that current and prospective investors may download one choice of 5 PC video games at This offer is made possible as a result of their new downloadable game technology which protects games through the use of database checking activation codes.

LB Games[R] CEO, Troy Lyndon says, "Often I hear people ask, 'what's really so special about your games?' Now, those interested can see for themselves why Charlie Church Mouse is loved by so many kids and parents alike, and why our other quality Christian games represent a life-improving, healthy alternative to many of the video games currently on the market. It's as simple as downloading it to your PC right now. And there's no obligation."

The recent decline of bandwidth charges from internet service providers has brought the cost of digital distribution down significantly. LB Games expects to launch a new online store in the coming weeks to make all its games available using the new downloadable game technology.

About Left Behind Games Inc.

Left Behind Games Inc. is a publicly-traded exclusive publisher of Christian modern media. It is the world leader in the publication of Christian video games and a Christian social network provider. Trade names include Inspired Media Entertainment, LB Games[R], Cloud 9 Games[R] and MyPraize[R]. The company and its subsidiaries produce quality interactive experiences including entertainment products that perpetuate positive values and appeal to faith-based and mainstream audiences. For more information, go to

LB GAMES is a registered trademark of Left Behind Games Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All rights reserved. LEFT BEHIND is a registered trademark of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All rights reserved.

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains statements, which may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or expectations of Left Behind Games. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that results may differ materially from such statements.

Vusion Advances HD Video Streaming With Easy to Buy Online Packages.

Today Vusion demonstrates continued innovation in cloud-based video services by announcing easy-to-buy, web-based HD streaming video packages. These packages make it simple and affordable for small and medium businesses to offer HD from their websites. Vusion's all new, version 3.0, VideoFlow Management System provides the foundation for simplicity, affordability and loyalty measurement services. Now, the power of Internet HD Video is available to all businesses, not just large media companies (see also Vusion, Inc.).

Any small and medium business that wants to profitably grow by capturing their unique expertise on HD video and sell access to that expertise on the Internet can buy packages at starting at $35 per month. These new e-commerce packages allow companies to easily start uploading, managing and streaming full-screen HD video from their website today.

Vusion has innovated in the pricing approach for the new HD video packages. Most video hosting and distribution offerings are priced in gigabytes transferred or megabits per second. Instead, Vusion's new packages are offered in buckets of hours. Each package provides a set number of hours of streaming, storage and encoding. This makes it much easier for a business to budget for their video costs by estimating the hours viewed and stored.

"While others are experimenting with HD video on the web, Vusion's proven technology is working for many companies today," said Rahul Sharma, VP of Engineering at Vusion. "All Internet HD video is not created equal."

Keywords: Vusion, Inc.

This article was prepared by Science Letter editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2009, Science Letter via

Friday, February 24, 2012

NetGenIT Supporting NextGen Platform.

Innovative outsource program revolutionizes IT management infrastructure technology

NEW YORK -- NetGenIT, the innovative provider of flat-rate virtual IT services, announced today its software supports the platform of NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, one of the most recognized and honored in the healthcare information management field. NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, provides computer-based practice management and electronic medical records systems to more than 700 physician practices across the United States. Its NextGen EMR (Electronic Medical Records), NextGen EPM (Electronic Practice Management) systems, and NextGen Community Health Solution (CHS) were named "Best in Class" by Microsoft Healthcare Users Group for 2006.

"It is not only the similarity of our brand names, but the standards of excellence we share that make NetGenIT and NextGen a good combination," noted John O'Keefe, Managing Director and Chairman of NetGenIT. "Our NetGenIT organization has a full contingent of NextGen-certified professionals on staff to provide the most skilled and experienced service and support."

NetGenIT is a fully outsourced information technology solution that includes intelligent network management tools that enable NetGenIT to completely manage a company's infrastructure remotely over the Internet.

"I have not seen anything to match the level of NetGenIT's response and follow through in this industry before," noted Drew Nietert, Interim IT Director of Manhattan's Physician Group. "It not only keeps up with all the systems, patches, maintenance and help desk issues, but it project manages as well as anyone. NetGenIT's people are excellent, knowledgeable, and work with alacrity. I would highly recommend NetGenIT as an outsource IT company."

NetGenIT provides a unique approach to IT management with cutting edge technologies, using the latest in software artificial intelligence to automatically identify and solve computer support issues before they can occur, increasing the quality of its customer support, while significantly reducing customer costs for IT services.

NetGenIT's services are powered by its industry-leading desktop management platform and its client-based agent architecture, delivering service to customers at a fraction of the time and cost it takes traditional tradition IT consultants. The NetGenIT concept of Information Technology support offers an all-inclusive, guaranteed, price for services. This method eliminates the questionable pricing practices that have become common in the IT industry, while at the same time providing proactive, quality support services as needed.

About NextGen Healthcare

NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Quality Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QSII), develops and markets computer based practice management and electronic medical records systems for medical group practices. For more information about NextGen, please visit and

About NetGenIT, Inc.

NetGenIT was launched in 2005 in response to the growing need for IT services for small to medium-sized businesses that have no alternatives other than expensive IT consultants that bill clients for service by the hour, resulting in high and inconsistent charges. NetGenIT offers its customers an all-inclusive, guaranteed, one-price service that provides an array of essential IT services including desktop, server and network infrastructure support and management on a flat rate monthly subscription. For more information visit our Website at

Placer Sierra Bancshares Invites Public to Listen to Third Quarter 2005 Conference Call and Webcast.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- In conjunction with Placer Sierra Bancshares' (Nasdaq:PLSB) third quarter 2005 earnings announcement, members of the public are invited to listen to the Company's live quarterly earnings conference via the Internet on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 7:30 a.m. Pacific / 10:30 a.m. Eastern. To hear the call, log on at the Company's web site at and go to the Investor Relations web page. For those who cannot listen to the live broadcast, a replay will be available shortly after the call on the Company's web site.

Financial results will be released over the news wires after the market closes on Tuesday, October 18, 2005.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Irvine, Calif., online store opens to buy, download games.

By Tamara Chuang, The Orange County Register, Calif. Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News

Sep. 8--The parent company of Irvine's GameSpy on Tuesday launched one of the nation's first online stores targeting gamers who thrive on instant gratification., which debuted with 26 PC games, lets customers skip the post office or local game store and instead download the purchase immediately.

"The realization from the publishers is that digital e-commerce is the natural next distribution of PC titles," said Jamie Berger, vice president and general manager of consumer products at GameSpy's parent, IGN Entertainment in Brisbane.

Direct2Drive is in Irvine, where employees from GameSpy's download site, FilePlanet, are running the operation.

Game sites have offered games for download for a few years. But in most cases, including FilePlanet, those were usually limited trials and demo versions. Last fall, GameSpy offered the full version of Ubi Soft's "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" as a free 1.3-gigabyte download to new or renewing annual subscribers. About 15,000 people took GameSpy up on the offer, Berger said.

In March, IGN began selling full games through FilePlanet as a test. Some 19,000 games sold, giving IGN reason to proceed with a full-scale online store.

The growth of high-speed Internet use and improvements to anti-piracy tools have contributed to making this distribution method a viable option for consumers and game companies, said Schelley Olhava, an analyst who tracks the game industry for market-research firm International Data Corp.

"It helps companies feel that the games aren't being handed around (and copied) between friends," Olhava said. "We definitely see it as a growing market." IDC began tracking this niche last year. It forecasts that sales of games bought and downloaded to PCs will reach $763 million by 2007, from $120 million this year.

To see more of The Orange County Register, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to

(c) 2004, The Orange County Register, Calif. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. For information on republishing this content, contact us at (800) 661-2511 (U.S.), (213) 237-4914 (worldwide), fax (213) 237-6515, or e-mail

Madrazo: I was only fulfilling my role as national PRI leader.

MEXICO CITY, Dec 24, 2003 (Notimex/Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Roberto Madrazo, national leader of the Institutional Revolution Party (PRI), assured that in the meeting with President Vicente Fox before the failure of the fiscal reform, he promised to explain the pros of the bill presented by the federal government to PRI deputies and did not pledge their support.

Madrazo said that during the Dec. 2 meeting he merely fulfilled his role as leader of the party although others "interpreted that my compromise was to convince PRI deputies to support positions with which they do not agree." Madrazo said that his work as president of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of PRI "does not consist of making personal promises to the government.

After the Chamber of Deputies passed the Income Law for 2004, Madrazo Pintado said his work was to conciliate and induce agreements always respecting the opinions of PRI deputies and coordinators. He added that PRI and its leaders have fulfilled their commitments:to supply the demands of the electorate they represent, which made them the majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

This abstract is provided by Internet Securities, Inc. as a service to its customers. Internet Securities, Inc. makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or content of the translation.


Copyright 2003 Internet Securities, Inc., all rights reserved. A Euromoney Institutional Investor Company.

News Provided by COMTEX (

ADTRAN, Inc. to Release First Quarter Earnings on April 13, 2011.(Financial report)

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. -- ADTRAN, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADTN) announced today that the Company will release its financial results for the first quarter 2011 on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. The Company will conduct a conference call at 9:30 a.m. Central Time. In addition, ADTRAN will webcast this conference call live through the service. To listen, simply visit the Investor Relations site at approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the call and click on the conference call link provided.

An online replay of the conference call, as well as the text of the Company's earnings release, will be available on the Investor Relations site at for at least 12 months following the call.

ADTRAN, Inc. is a leading global provider of networking and communications equipment, with a portfolio of more than 1,700 solutions for use in the last mile of today's telecommunications networks. Widely deployed by carriers and enterprises alike, ADTRAN solutions enable voice, data, video, and Internet communications across a variety of network infrastructures. ADTRAN solutions are currently in use by every major U.S. service provider and many global ones, as well as by thousands of public, private and governmental organizations worldwide.

For more information, contact the company at 800 9ADTRAN (800 923-8726) or via email at On the Web, visit

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CALENDAR.(Conference news)(Calendar)



Detroit Economic Club. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. With Brian Moynihan, president and CEO, Bank of America. Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center. $45 members, $55 guests of members, $75 nonmembers. Contact: (313) 963-8547; e-mail:; website:

Forum on Small Business Lending. 9 a.m.-noon. U.S. Small Business Administration and Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center. Learn about the SBA guaranty loan program and the criteria used to evaluate a loan request. TechTown, Detroit. Free; preregistration required, no walk-ins allowed. Contact: (313) 967-9295; website:

Digital Marketing Experts Sharing Insights. 6-8 p.m. American Marketing Association, Detroit chapter. With Avi Savar, founder and CEO, Big Fuel Communications, New York; others. University of Michigan-Dearborn. $35 members, $45 guests, $35 first-time guests, $20 students, $280 table of eight, $750 sponsorship. Contact: (313) 583-6476; e-mail: cmsam@umd.; website:

IDEA: Detroit Conference. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Crain's Detroit Business; Advertising Age. With Toby Barlow, chief creative officer, Team Detroit; Josh Linkner, founder and chairman, ePrize; others. College for Creative Studies, Detroit. $99, $125 on-site. Contact: (313) 446-0300; e-mail:; website: www.



Social Media Boot Camp. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. March 24; 8 a.m.-noon March 25. American Marketing Association, Detroit chapter. With Dana VanDen Heuvel, Internet marketing specialist. University of Michigan-Dearborn. $600 members, $960 nonmembers. Contact: (586) 620-4080; e-mail:; website:

The Secret to Being Highly Effective Every Day. 7:30-10:30 a.m. Inforum. With Suzann Foerster, leadership coach, Corporate Coach University. Walsh College, Troy. $50 Inforum members, $75 nonmembers. Contact: (877) 633-3500; website: www.inforum



Canada-U.S. Business Association and the Detroit Regional Chamber Business Luncheon. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Detroit Regional Chamber. With Perrin Beatty, president and CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center. $45. Contact: (313) 596-0336; e-mail:; website:


Communities & Companies in the Resurging Automotive Economy. 12:30-7 p.m. March 29; 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. March 30. Center for Automotive Research. With Sandy Baruah, president and CEO, Detroit Regional Chamber; Dan Kildee, president and CEO, Center for Community Progress; others. Dearborn Hyatt Regency. $300. Contact: (734) 662-1287; e-mail:; website: road

Keeping Detroit Sustainable. 7:30-10 a.m. March 29. University of Michigan-Dearborn; Crain's Detroit Business. With John Hertel, general manager, SMART Transportation; Chris Uhl, vice president, Comerica Bank; others. UM-Dearborn. $35, $30 groups of 10 or more or UM faculty and students, $50 at the door. Contact: (313) 446-0300; e-mail: cdbevents@crain. com; website: www.crainsdetroit. com/events.

Detroit Economic Club. 9-11 a.m. March 29. With Detroit Red Wings coach Mike Babcock and Ken Holland, executive vice president and general manager. MotorCity Casino Hotel, Detroit. $45 DEC members, $55 guests, $75 nonmembers. Contact: (313) 963-8547; e-mail:; website:

Protecting Corporate Information. 2:30-5 p.m. March 29 and April 5. Automation Alley. March 29 with Stephanie Scheuermann, senior security and control engineer, Ford Motor Co.; others. April 5 with Bob Brietman, president, IT That Works; others. Automation Alley, Troy. Members preregistration $20, nonmembers preregistration $40, $10 more for either at the door. Preregistration for first session closes March 25, second session preregistration closes April 1. Contact: (800) 427-5100; e-mail:; website:

Copyright 2011 Crain Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Online People Search Engine Launched.

Sunnyvale, CA (PRWEB) March 14, 2011

The latest edition of, which has been recently launched, comes with improved functionality as well as usability of the web service now. The web site had been in the public testing mode for three months previously and gets over 2 million visits per month already. The latest version of the web site is expected to draw more hits on this particular people search service because the database has been updated to include more than 200 million people and is still growing steadily at a considerable pace. On this momentous occasion, Dmitry Shelest, the project founder of, said about the future prospect of the web site that "The project is under constant development. We're creating and testing new features every day. It is going to be the best online people search service ever."

There have been various considerable improvements to in the newest version. The various improvisations on the web site include added ease of use, more accuracy in results as well as inclusion of results from more number of countries around the world. In addition, several key areas of the web site have also been improved considerably in order to make it more convenient for usage by the public. The application programming interface has undergone a complete makeover in order to include only the most vital information for the user on the web pages in a simple yet neat manner. This makes it plausible for the users to easily get conventional exposure to each and everyone around the whole world when their name is entered and searched on the web site. The number of advertisements on the web site has also been reduced considerably in order to ensure a more hassle free user experience. The users can also easily find the required people on a comprehensive as well as highly detailed world map in the search results.

Besides the most recent features which have already been introduced, more services are currently being developed and coming up on in order to make for the most wholesome experience on the people search service. The latest feature under development for the web site will make it plausible for the web site visitors to search for the names by location. The users of also will also get the unique opportunity of adding their names to the online people search service directory on their own. Some of these upcoming features also include addition of more sources of information in order to increase the number of people listed in the existent database. The ongoing planning to add extra custom features includes additional options such as extended customer services and better language support. Improvement in the search engine in order to return the relevant results in various languages and countries in near future is envisaged to make the web site more accessible to people across the world. With the inclusion of seven different foreign languages in near future, it is expected that the users will be able to find more accurate results in a quick as well as easy manner. Similarly, the extended customer support can help in contacting the web site developers in a more efficient manner in case of any queries. The newly improved web site is surely the most happening destination for searching people in the most convenient manner.

About Renevue

Renevue ltd. is a privately held company, based in Minsk, Belarus (Eastern Europe). It's an internet marketing company that develops its own products and web-services in the area of search engine marketing and social networking. Renevue intends to create web-based high quality helpful services. Beta version of was serving over 2 millions of visitors monthly. Another project, became one of the best doctors reviews service in USA.

Contact Information

Dmitry Shelest

CEO of the

Renevue ltd.

email: dmitry -at-


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